• US Energy Information Administration
- www.eia.gov |
The Deregulation (or Restructuring) of Electricity Markets. By definition, pure deregulation would mean that all consumers would be required to purchase their electricity supply – that is, their power generating source – separate from the distribution company (their local utility). However, in just about every state where consumers have the ability to choose their supply (generation), there also exists an opportunity to fallback, or purchase generation from the local utility company. Sometimes, this is a good option for consumers, but it is often not the best choice. Read More >
The Generation (Supply) portion of your electricity service is OPEN to market competition. This is approximately 60-70% of the total cost. The Distribution service remains regulated and is guaranteed by the public utility commission. Read More >
Green Power vs. Renewable Energy. According to the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA), Green Power is electricity generated from wind, solar, geothermal, biogas, biomass, and low-impact small hydroelectric sources. Green Power is a subset is of renewable energy and is considered to have the most positive environmental impact. At OPEN Energy Services, we help customers achieve their specific energy supply goals in a customized, responsible way that will also benefit their bottom line. Read More >
Most states have Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS), which mandate a specific percentage of the retail electricity sold be derived from a renewable energy source. These state mandates may also be satisfied through the purchase of Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs). Read More >
Achieve savings over the local utility standard offer? Many consumers (residential, commercial, or institutional) wonder how they could possibly secure a more competitive supply rate than their local utility who is procuring power in such larger volumes. Agreed your local utility companies are procuring far more power than a single restaurant owner, an office complex, a hotel chain, or corporate conglomerate with 50 manufacturing locations. However, when it comes to procuring electricity volume doesn’t mean greater leverage or a lower price. Read More >
Natural gas, the key to our energy independence, and low electricity prices… Electricity prices fluctuate with the price of natural gas. This is because most power plants serving our peak load requirements are fueled by natural gas. Natural gas-fired facilities have served this role mostly because of their ability to come on and offline quickly, which enables the Independent System Operators (ISOs) to maintain the power grid more efficiently. Read More >